New Posts Archives

2024 May
2024 May 01: Pascal Najadi Truth Bombs
2024 May 06: Mordor and Flat Earth
2024 May 15: Worlds Beyond Our Ice Ring
2024 May 23: Eris and Libra Planets

2024 Apr
2024 Apr.05: The April 8 Eclipse and the Zone of Silence
2024 Apr.07: A Planet Between Mercury and Venus?
2024 Apr.14: Sigma Tables 1906-1995 AD
2024 Apr.20: Astrology is the Science of Life

2024 Mar
2024 Mar.03: No One Wants To Die and No One Has To
2024 Mar.06: Polaris and the Black Sun
2024 Mar.09: The Phoenix Machine or Destroyer of Worlds
2024 Mar.14: Sabian Style Degree Theory
2024 Mar.18: 2024 American Eclipse and Devil's Comet
2024 Mar.28: The Ships Are All Above Us

2024 Feb
2024 Feb.02: Memorable Times for Masculine Moons
2024 Feb.05: Giant Trees and Earth Chakras
2024 Feb.10: Neptune and the 7 Great Resets
2024 Feb.16: Haumea in Scorpio 2022-2050AD
2024 Feb.20: What's That Around Our Sun?
2024 Feb.24: Astrology and the 64 Codes of Life
2024 Feb.28: What Happened to Planet Vulcan?

2024 Jan
2024 Jan.01: 2024 World Astro Chart and Forecast
2024 Jan.02: Our Anunnaki Overlords
2024 Jan.04: Mars in Synastry
2024 Jan.07: Jeffrey Epstein Chart Analysis
2024 Jan.12: Voids or Cloaked Ships?
2024 Jan.15: The Astrology of Attraction
2024 Jan.24: Living in a 200-Year Simulation Dome
2024 Jan.26: The Multicellular Flat Earth Theory

2023 Dec
2023 Dec.03: 2000 OO67 A Fascinating Centaur
2023 Dec.04: USA Chart: the Good and the Bad
2023 Dec.12: We Are Surrounded by Aliens
2023 Dec.17: Planetary Circadian Rhythms
2023 Dec.19: Experiments on Mars
2023 Dec.21: Healing Frequencies
2023 Dec.28: The Geometry of the Zodiac

2023 Nov
2023 Nov.2: Humanity Must Change To Heal
2023 Nov.8: Rulership in Astrolocality
2023 Nov.14: Air is What Heals
2023 Nov.19: The 10th House and Your Title
2023 Nov.20: Married With Children Charts
2023 Nov.21: Chiron Deserves More Respect
2023 Nov.24: 16 Outer Planets Ephemeris 2020-2035AD
2023 Nov.30: Myth and Genetics

2023 Oct
2023 Oct.03: Arthritis -the Cause and the Cure
2023 Oct.05: They Can Petrify You
2023 Oct.12: Declination in Astrolocality
2023 Oct.22: Russian Consciousness

2023 Sep
2023 Sep.02: The Modern Planets as Reset Catalysts
2023 Sep.09: Nishimura Comet Ephemeris 1600-2500 AD
2023 Sep.13: Life Can Be So Simple
2023 Sep.18: Covid Gematria and the Codes of Life
2023 Sep.22: Trojan Astrology
2023 Sep.23: The 3.5 Million-Year Comet 1600-2500 AD
2023 Sep.29: The All-important Ascendant

2023 Aug
2023 Aug.05: Africa is Incredibly Huge
2023 Aug.07: Is Coitus Natural?
2023 Aug.08: The Exoplanet Scam
2023 Aug.13: Directed Energy Weapon Reset
2023 Aug.18: Magnetic North and South Tables 1590-2025 AD
2023 Aug.23: Maui Symbolism and Lemuria
2023 Aug.25: Planetary Domes
2023 Aug.29: 36 Planets and Archons

2023 Jul
2023 Jul.09: Superhero Numerology
2023 Jul.16: Pluto Retrograde and Karma
2023 Jul.19: The Power of Saturn
2023 Jul.25: Flat Earth Great Ages
2023 Jul.30: The Hollow Earth Fantasy

2023 Jun
2023 Jun.01: Fractured Earth
2023 Jun.05: Sleep and Regeneration 2
2023 Jun.07: Oumuamua Ephemeris 1600-2200 AD
2023 Jun.18: Barter, Cash, or Digital?
2023 Jun.19: 2023 FW13 1930-2030 AD
2023 Jun.24: The AI Deception

2023 May
2023 May.02: Domes Within Domes
2023 May.06: The Hindu Macrocosm in 18 Steps
2023 May.12: The Raw Mango and Avocado Snack
2023 May.20: Astrologers Want More Planets
2023 May.27: Apeel: the New Toxin on the Block
2023 May.28: How Was Your Pluto in Aquarius?

2023 Apr
2023 Apr.04: Trump and the Deep State
2023 Apr.12: 2002 MS4 Ephemeris: 1870-2065 AD
2023 Apr.18: The Christ Zodiac
2023 Apr.22: Pluto and our Perception of Time
2023 Apr.30: Fox News Numerology

2023 Mar
2023 Mar.01: Your Draconic Chart and Map
2023 Mar.04: Planets in Harmony
2023 Mar.08: Planet Node Ephemerides: 1900-2049 AD
2023 Mar.10: Living in a World Without Answers
2023 Mar.16: North and South in Astrolocality
2023 Mar.19: Why Sidereal Astrology Signs are Off
2023 Mar.23: Infinite Zodiacs
2023 Mar.27: 2018 VG18 Ephemeris: 1900-2030 AD
2023 Mar.28: Can Too Much Fruit Cause Diabetes?
2023 Mar.29: Our New Year Should Start in the Spring

2023 Feb
2023 Feb.03: Green Comet C/2022 E3 ephemeris
2023 Feb.05: The Polar Vortex Deception
2023 Feb.20: Quaoar the Oddball Planet
2023 Feb.22: The Largest Minor Planets
2023 Feb.26: Planets X Y and Z

2023 Jan
2023 Jan.01: Generational Good Times
2023 Jan.07: Climate and Food are the Keys to Health
2023 Jan.17: Vatika and the Vatican
2023 Jan.26: Tarot and Astrology Correspondences

2022 Dec
2022 Dec.12: Mars Retrograde in Gemini 2022-23
2022 Dec.18: The White Hats Need To Come Out With It
2022 Dec.20: Why the Planets Need to Reverse Their Courses
2022 Dec.28: Capitol Dome Mural Hiding Polar Continents

2022 Nov
2022 Nov.03: The Ascendant and Midheaven as Timers
2022 Nov.14: Astrological Predictions for 2023-25
2022 Nov.22: Etamin the Dragon Star
2022 Nov.26: We Live in Bharata

2022 Oct
2022 Oct.02: Uranus and Your House of Freedom
2022 Oct.07: Why Killing and Bombing Don't Solve Anything
2022 Oct.14: Will Trump Become the Negotiator of World Peace?
2022 Oct.23: Billions Beneath Us
2022 Oct.25: The Gematria Calculator

2022 Sep
2022 Sep.02: Yahweh's Secret Weapom
2022 Sep.05: Communicating with Everything
2022 Sep.09: Your Garden Hose Water May Be Killing Your Lawn
2022 Sep.10: Digital is Deadly
2022 Sep.12: Brown Dwarf VHS 1256-1257 ephemeris
2022 Sep.13: Beyond Pre-Pandemic
2022 Sep.21: Globalist Cooling Rather Than Warming
2022 Sep.23: Master Degrees in Astrology
2022 Sep.28: Georgia Meloni chart

2022 Aug
2022 Aug.01: The Great Reset Comet Ephemeris
2022 Aug.06: Sun versus Ascendant paths
2022 Aug.12: M87/Virgo Supercluster ephemeris
2022 Aug.20: Taurus and Scorpio: the baddest Sun signs
2022 Aug.27: New Moon Map of Earth and New Schwabenland

2022 Jul
2022 Jul.03: Does Astrolocality Really Work?
2022 Jul.05: Stationary Neptune Transits
2022 Jul.14: 144 Flavors in Astrology
2022 Jul.18: Why Regular Bananas Make Me Cough

2022 Jun
2022 Jun.01: Those Treacherous 12th House Sign Aspects
2022 Jun.08: Dreams and Meanings of Houses
2022 Jun.18: Worlds Beyond Our Ice Wall
2022 Jun.23: The Beauty of the Air Signs
2022 Jun.24: Matrix Resurrections: Woman Saves Man
2022 Jun.25: Atlantis and Lemuria Exist!
2022 Jun.26: Neptune in Aquarius: Strangest Placement

2022 May
2022 May.02: 5125 Years of Quarantine on Earth
2022 May.12: Seven Heavens and Seven Hells
2022 May.17: The Banana, Avocado, and Kiwi Mash
2022 May.20: Pluto and Ukraine

2022 Apr
2022 Apr.02: The Earth-Sun Switch in Astronomy
2022 Apr.08: Dwarf Planet 2018 AG37 Ephemeris
2022 Apr.09: Mission to Psyche 2026
2022 Apr.16: Planet Ring History
2022 Apr.21: Planet Trios in Astrology
2022 Apr.28: Just When and Where Are We?

2022 Mar
2022 Mar.01: What's Really Happening in Ukraine
2022 Mar.06: Great Attractor Ephemeris
2022 Mar.12: Russia in Prophecy
2022 Mar.14: Space Arks Activating
2022 Mar.22: Is Planet X going Mainstream?
2022 Mar.29: The Dwarf Planets in Astrology

2022 Feb
2022 Feb.06: Sedna's Move Into Gemini
2022 Feb.12: Traitors to Humanity
2022 Feb.13: The Middle Ages Never Existed
2022 Feb.14: Who Or What Controls Our Weather?
2022 Feb.15: Eris Is Teaching Us To Fight

2022 Jan
2022 Jan 02: Underwater Cities and Continents
2022 Jan 21: Planets, Land Rings, and the New(Old) Cosmology
2022 Jan.28: Justice Is Coming!

2021 Dec
2021 Dec 8: Toxicity and Stress -the Causes of All Disease
2021 Dec 26: Hidden Master Numbers

2021 Nov
2021 Nov 1: Accessing Your Super Planets
2021 Nov 12: Yahweh and the Nazi World Order
2021 Nov 14: Libra Rising Tidbits 2
2021 Nov 25: Hidden Continents
2021 Nov 29: The New Colonialism

2021 Oct
2021 Oct 2: Numbers of Negativity
2021 Oct 10: Humanity Must Wake Up To The Truth
2021 Oct 21: Planetary Cycles of Growth

2021 Sep
2021 Sep 01: The Whore That Sits Upon Many Waters
2021 Sep 17: Pluto In Scorpio Generation Matures

2021 Aug
2021 Aug 4: Those Evil Jabs
2021 Aug 5: We Have Twelve Bodies
2021 Aug 6: Political Sun Signs
2021 Aug 8: Yahweh's Giants
2021 Aug 17: We Need A Revolution

2021 Jul
2021 Jul 05: You Are Not Just One Zodiac Sign
2021 Jul 24: New Planets, New Resets
2021 Jul 28: The Last Great Reset

2021 Jun
2021 Jun 11: Our Flat Earth Universe
2021 Jun 16: Why Trump is Not Our True Saviour
2021 Jun 17: Large Planet X Moon
2021 Jun 19: Are You Hard on Yourself?

2021 May
2021 May 7: Creation Codes in the English Language
2021 May 12: Giant and Crater Earth

2021 Apr
2021 Apr 02: Moving From 3D to 5D
2021 Apr 12: The Astrology of the Fantastic Four
2021 Apr 19: The Amazing Urbano Monte World Map of 1587
2021 Apr 21: The Spanish Flu Pandemic of 1918-1920
2021 Apr 26: ET Mining and Our 200 Year History

2021 Mar
2021 Mar 19: We Are Reliving Atlantis
2021 Mar 26: The Anunnaki - Our True Enslavers?

2021 Feb
2021 Feb 10: Why the Deep State May Never Be Fully Cleaned Up
2021 Feb 26: State Signs USA

2021 Jan
2021 Jan 04: January 6th 2021 - Judgement Day for America
2021 Jan 18: The Spiritual Battle for Earth

2020 Dec
2020 Dec 01: You Don't Always Show Your Sun Sign
2020 Dec 15: Gonggong(2007 OR10) ephemeris
2020 Dec 22: Uluru - Second Heart of the Earth
2020 Dec 30: Is The Chinese Century Is Upon Us?

2020 Nov
2020 Nov 24: Signs of Freedom in Astrology

2020 Oct
2020 Oct 12: The AC and MC as Definers of Self
2020 Oct 15: USA's Pluto Return
2020 Oct 27: The Transits for 2020-2021

2020 Sep
2020 Sep.08: Who Makes the Best Astrologer?

2020 Aug
2020 Aug.10: Trees of Life and Death

2020 Jul
2020 Jul.07: Planet X has Moons!
2020 Jul.18: The Numerology of 2020

2020 Jun
2020 Jun.12: Aquarius and Your House of Genius
2020 Jun.24: Why the Depopulation Agenda is a Farce

2020 May
2020 May 03: Transits and the Balance of Power
2020 May 06: CoVirgo-19
2020 May 07: True North Node Tables
2020 May 07: Mean North Node Tables
2020 May 22: Why So Many Fail On The Fruitarian Diet
2020 May 29: Deep State Horoscopes

2020 April
2020 Apr.7: Strange Wheel in the Sky
2020 Apr.11: Comet Atlas(C/2019 Y4) Ephemeris
2020 Apr.12: True Israel and Yahweh's Calendar
2020 Apr.14: Humanity in Lockdown
2020 Apr.16: Parental Influences in the Birth Chart
2020 Apr.22: Eris Nations

2020 March
2020 Mar.04: Orgonite for 5G
2020 Mar.06: An Astrological Look at the Weimar Era(1919-1933)
2020 Mar.17: Flattening the Earth Curve
2020 Mar.26: Housing the Midheaven

2020 February
2020 Feb.01: Best View Yet of Planet X
2020 Feb.02: Daily Black Moon Lilith Ephemeris:1900-2035 AD
2020 Feb.03: Housing the Ascendant
2020 Feb.03: UK Brexit Horoscope Chart 2020
2020 Feb.04: Mercury and Writer's Block
2020 Feb.05: Jupiter-Saturn Conjunctions 1600-2200 AD
2020 Feb.09: How the Zodiac Signs work
2020 Feb.15: Astrology and Your Twelve Bodies or Selves
2020 Feb.17: Important Prenatal Planetary Placements
2020 Feb.19: Your Ascendant Rules Your Appearance
2020 Feb.25: Annette Larkins - Raw Vegan Wonder

2020 January
2020 Jan.06: The 2020 Stellium In Capricorn - How Is it Affecting You?
2020 Jan.08: The Archontic Nature of Astrology
2020 Jan.16: Zendaya Horoscope Chart
2020 Jan.19: Lucifer's Legacy
2020 Jan.27: Diet and Death - a Play on Words
2020 Jan.28: How the Zodiac Signs Think
2020 Jan.30: Important Astro-Locality Sectors

2019 December
2019 Dec.01: Sex and the 7th House
2019 Dec.10: Grains Cause Arthritis
2019 Dec.13: The AC and MC as Definers of Space
2019 Dec.26: How Planets Work Together In Astrology

2019 November
2019 Nov.1: What is That Strange Purple Object?
2019 Nov.7: Another Strange Object in the Skies
2019 Nov.13: Successful Fasting
2019 Nov.18: Important House Cusps in Whole Sign Locality
2019 Nov.19: Hygiea the Newest Smallest Dwarf Planet
2019 Nov.30: Retrograde in Astrology

2019 October
2019 Oct.04: Tackling Planetary Exaltations
2019 Oct.06: Vegetables are the Devil's Food
2019 Oct.10: Food Affects How You Think And Feel
2019 Oct.14: Planet X Object Needs an Ephemeris
2019 Oct.23: The Outer Planets in 2020
2019 Oct.31: The Numerics of Astrology

2019 September
2019 Sep.03: Distant TNO 2015 RR245
2019 Sep.08: Polaris - The First Star
2019 Sep.09: Flipping and Rotating the Birth Chart
2019 Sep.13: The Numerology of the Word "New"
2019 Sep.18: The Subtle Effects of Shape and Form
2019 Sep.22: Neptune in Pisces is Collapsing Our Current Reality
2019 Sep.25: Greta Thunberg chart

2019 August
2019 Aug.2: What Makes a Planet Good or Bad in Astrology?
2019 Aug.4: Mercury and Venus: The Little Guys Doing Twice the Work
2019 Aug.8: Vulcan and our Binary Sun System
2019 Aug.12: Bare Bones Astrology
2019 Aug.15: A New Planet is Forming Between Mercury and the Sun
2019 Aug.21: Your Ascendant as a "Feeler"
2019 Aug.22: Your Personal, Social, Professional, and Private Planets
2019 Aug.24: Orgasm and the Length of Life
2019 Aug.26: The Midheaven Mystery
2019 Aug.28: Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez chart

2019 July
2019 July 3: Flat Earth and the Four Root Races
2019 July 5: Subjective and Objective Types in Astrology
2019 July 6: Primordial, Individual, and Universal Types in Astrology
2019 July 9: Neighbouring Sign Pairs in Astrology
2019 July 12: Humans Should Be Larger And Longer-Lived
2019 July 15: Gal Gadot Chart
2019 July 18: We Should Only Eat What Grows On Trees
2019 July 21: David Cassidy Chart
2019 July 24: The Numerology of Food
2019 July 29: Rahu is Not Uranus!

2019 June
2019 June 2: Astrology Should Be Taught In Schools
2019 June 5: The Modern Planets Are Real - Face It!
2019 June 12: Is Marriage For Everyone?
2019 June 16: Sillent Letters in Numerology
2019 June 19: Cusps and Interceptions in Astrology
2019 June 21: What Is Your Primary Drive In Life?
2019 June 25: Ephemeris for 2012 VP113 Dwarf Planet
2019 June 26: Ephemeris for 2015 TG387 Dwarf Planet
2019 June 27: What Is That Next To The Sun?
2019 June 28: Failed Relationships According To Astrology
2019 June 30: House Linkage In Astrology

2019 May
2019 May.3: The Real Birth Chart of Modern Italy
2019 May.7: Locality and Personal Expression
2019 May.7: The Pluto in Cancer Generaton(1912-1939) is Dying
2019 May.13: The Coming Great Plasma Event
2019 May.18: Which Astrological Signs Do You Look Up To?
2019 May.22: New Celeb Charts Section
2019 May.31: The Double Rulership Scheme in Astrology

2019 April
2019 Apr.1: The Leo/Pisces Special Relationship
2019 Apr.3: Has Our History Been Faked?
2019 Apr.5: Using Local Space To Rectify Your Chart
2019 Apr.10: An Astrological Look at the Modern Family Show
2019 Apr.13: Sofia Vergara's Birth Time and Local Space Astrology
2019 Apr.16: Local Space within Astrolocality
2019 Apr.17: A New Respect For The Astrological Houses
2019 Apr.27: Earth Within Greater Earth

2019 March
2019 Mar.04: Uranus Moves into Taurus
2019 Mar.05: Mercury in Pisces: the Occultist
2019 Mar.11: Mars in the Sixth House: Heal Thyself
2019 Mar.17: Jobs and Astrology
2019 Mar.19: Hypatia of Alexandria
2019 Mar.21: What is the True Shape of the Earth?
2019 Mar.23: Windows 7 Support Ends In 2020
2019 Mar.27: Your Car Has A Birthday!
2019 Mar.30: Distant Dwarf 2018 VG18

2019 February
2019 Feb.12: Orbs in Astrolocality
2019 Feb.14: Fun with Asteroids
2019 Feb.19: The Problem with the Angles
2019 Feb.21: The Earth and Sky in Astrology
2019 Feb.22: Physical Beauty in the Birth Chart
2019 Feb.23: The Astrological Tree of Life
2019 Feb.27: Dante's Hell and Inner Earth

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