What Is Your Primary Drive In Life?

What drives or motivates you? In astrology, your most fundamental drive in life is shown by your Sun/Moon aspect(by sign). The Sun is what you're basically all about, but the Moon is what drives you. How the Moon is configured to your Sun shows how you will apply your energies in order to be happy and fulfilled.

Start with your Sun sign and see what house(by sign) your Moon occupies. If you are a Sun in Taurus, for example, and you have the Moon in Leo, your Moon occupies the 4th house(from the Sun). This will give you a Cancerian drive or motivation; you will be very emotional and defensive and your primary attitude in life will be that of nurturing, securing, providing, and protecting. The signs involved will give further clues as to where and how you will do this.

Below is a guide for the twelve possible Sun/Moon aspects(by sign) and the drives or motivations implicated by each:


Sun conjunct Moon, or Moon in 1st solar house: Example: Sun in Aries/Moon in Aries, Sun in Taurus/Moon in Taurus, etc. Your primary drive or motivation is towards self. You need to feel personally involved in whatever you do and it must feed your sense of self or identity, otherwise you will remain unhappy or unfulfilled. The signs involved will give further clues as to where and how you can achieve this.

Sun sinister or lower semi-sextile Moon, or Moon in 2nd solar house: Example: Sun in Aries/Moon in Taurus, Sun in Taurus/Moon in Gemini, etc. Your primary drive or motivation is the accumulation of wealth and personal value. You need to acquire, possess, build, or produce, and obtain a sense of value or resourcefulness from doing so, otherwise you will remain unhappy and unfilfilled. The signs involved will give further clues as to where and how you can do this.

Sun sinister or lower sextile Moon, or Moon in 3rd solar house: Example: Sun in Aries/Moon in Taurus, Sun in Taurus/Moon in Gemini, etc. Your primary drive or motivation is to reach out or communicate to those around you. You need to establish daily connections or contacts with the people and immediate world around you, whether in person, by phone, letter, or internet, otherwise you will remain unhappy or unfulfilled. The signs involved will give further clues as to where and how this will happen.

Sun sinister or lower square Moon, or Moon in 4th solar house: Example: Sun in Aries/Moon in Cancer, Sun in Taurus/Moon in Leo, etc. Your primary drive or motivation is to feel, nurture, secure, protect, and provide for. You need to establish personal bonds with the people and things around you and produce a safe and comfortable home environment, otherwise you will remain unhappy or unfulfilled. The signs involved will give further clues as to where and how you will do this.

Sun sinister or lower trine Moon, or Moon in solar 5th house: Example: Sun in Aries/Moon in Leo, or Sun in Taurus/Moon in Virgo, etc. Your primary drive or motivation is to have fun, create, enjoy, or love whatever it is you are doing. You need to be personally involved and be recognized or appreciated for your work or being, otherwise you will remain unhappy or unfulfilled. The signs involved will give further clues as to where and how this will happen.

Sun sinister or lower quincunx Moon, or Moon in solar 6th house: Example: Sun in Aries/Moon in Virgo, or Sun in Taurus/Moon in Libra, etc. Your primary drive or motivation is to help, serve, or improve yourself, others, and your environment. You need to work, train, or develop special skills, crafts, methods, or abilities that will help both yourselves and others and make the world a better place, otherwise you will remain unhappy or unfulfilled. The signs involved will give further clues as to how you can do this.

Sun oppose Moon, or Moon in the 7th solar house: Example: Sun in Aries/Moon in Libra, or Sun in Taurus/Moon in Scorpio, etc. Your primary drive or motivation is to engage, relate, share, co-operate, agree to, unite, compromise, balance, harmonize, and beautify. You need to be out there in society or with others serving in some public or artistic capacity and interacting in a way that serves everyone involved, otherwise you will remain unhappy or unfullfilled. The signs involved will give further clues as to what this entails.

Sun dexter or upper quincunx Moon, or Moon in the solar 8th house: Example: Sun in Aries/Moon in Scorpio, or Sun in Taurus/Moon in Sagittarius, etc. Your primary drive or motivation is to seize, obtain, invest, contract, bind, indebt, tax, research, investigate, uncover, eliminate, and rebrth or regenerate. You focus all your drive and energy to get to the bottom of things. Your obssessive nature leaves no stone unturned and unless you find what you're looking for, you will never be happy or fulfilled. The signs involved will give further information as to what you will become involved in.

Sun dexter or upper trine Moon, or Moon in the solar 9th house: Example: Sun in Aries/Moon in Sagittarius, or Sun in Taurus/Moon in Capricorn, etc. Your primary drive or motivation is to study, believe, trust or have faith in, envision, travel, explore, discover, speculate, teach, proselytize, and publish. You need to grow amd expand your beliefs and horizons by getting out in the world and taking that trip or excursion to a distant place where higher learning and adventure awaits you, or you can awaken your spiritual self and explore god and the cosmos from within. Failing to do so will leave you unhappy and unfulfilled. The signs involved will give further information as to how you can do this.

Sun sinister or upper square Moon, or Moon in the solar 10th house: Example: Sun in Aries/Moon in Capricorn, or Sun in Taurus/Moon in Aquarius, etc. Your primary drive or motivation is to achieve, accomplish, realize or make concrete your goals and aspirations, through sheer drive, ambition, and persistence. You need to plan out or develop a strategy for your life and slowly but surely see it through. You want to be honored, recognized, and respected for your works, and failing to do so will leave you unhappy and unfulfilled. The signs involved will give further information as to what this will imply.

Sun sinister or upper sextile Moon, or Moon in the solar 11th house: Example: Sun in Aries/Moon in Aquarius, or Sun in Taurus/Moon in Pisces, etc. Your primary drive or motivation is to do something good for humanity or society in general. This may involve joining groups or associations that will help or promote your advanced and alruistic ideas or interests. Not doing so will leave you unhappy and unfulfilled. The signs involved will give further information as to how or where you can realize this.

Sun sinister or upper semi-sextile Moon, or Moon in the solar 11th house: Example: Sun in Aries/Moon in Pisces, or Sun in Taurus/Moon in Aries, etc. Your primary drive or motivation is to just lay back and let everything unfold before you. You are spiritual or mystical rather than materialistic and enjoy quiet, seclusion, and introspection. Dreams, mysticism, music, poetry, and the arts in general also interest you. Not subjecting yourself to your emotional or inner self will leave you unhappy or unfulfilled. The signs involved will give further clues as to how you can achieve your longings.

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