Sigma Tables 1906-1995

Sigma is a small etheric planet situated between Jupiter and Saturn(closer to Jupiter). It's orbit is just two weeks short of 14 years with a .26 eccentricity. Pickering(who named it U) deduced it to have the same mass as Mercury and an average distance of 5.79 AU. It reaches perihelion at 2 Aries and aphelion at 2 Libra and its north node is at 11 Pisces.

Astrologically or esoterically, Sigma has to do with karma, and its half cycle of 7 years with relationship endings. It is one of Rudhyar's "higher moons" the others being Circe with a period od 15 years, and Jason/Chiron with a period of 51 years. Sigma is an important planet that has yet to be confirmed by astronomers and astrologers alike, and should be given serious attention in the horoscope birth chart.

The following ephemeris was created/calculated in 1935 and published by Charles Jayne in his book The Unknown Planets in 1974. The positions are accurate to one-half degree, but 5 minutes must be subtracted or added every six years before or after 1935. Unfortunately the ephemeris goes only up to 1995, but tables can no doubt be projected after that. Below are the dates Sigma entered a particular sign of the tropical zodiac. Dates are geocentric GMT and may be off by one day.

Sigma in the Signs 1906-1995 GMT

1906 Sep.11 00Vir00
1908 Sep.20 00Lib00
1910 Jan.20 00Sco00
1910 Feb.27 30Lib00
1910 Sep.29 00Sco00
1911 Dec.16 00Sag00
1913 Feb.04 00Cap00
1913 Aug.03 30Sag00
1913 Sep.20 00Cap00
1914 Feb.17 00Aqu00
1915 Feb.08 00Pis00
1915 Jun.06 00Ari00
1915 Jun.29 30Pis00
1916 Jan.02 00Ari00
1916 Apr.30 00Tau00
1917 Apr.14 00Gem00
1917 Sep.02 00Can00
1917 Dec.07 30Gem00
1918 Apr.29 00Can00
1918 Oct.18 00Leo00
1918 Dec.12 30Can00
1919 Jun.17 00Leo00
1920 Sep.02 00Vir00
1922 Sep.12 00Lib00
1924 Jan.05 00Sco00
1924 Mar.19 30Lib00
1924 Sep.21 00Sco00
1925 Dec.09 00Sag00
1927 Jan.23 00Cap00
1928 Feb.13 00Aqu00
1929 Jan.31 00Pis00
1929 May 23 00Ari00
1929 Nov.04 30Pis00
1929 Dec.04 00Ari00
1930 Apr.23 00Tau00
1931 Apr.10 00Gem00
1931 Aug.23 00Can00
1931 Dec.25 30Gem00
1932 Apr.17 00Can00
1932 Sep.31 00Leo00
1932 Dec.30 30Can00
1933 Jun.08 00Leo00
1934 Aug.22 00Vir00
1936 Sep.06 00Lib00
1937 Dec.24 00Sco00
1938 Apr.02 30Lib00
1938 Sep.14 00Sco00
1939 Dec.02 00Sag00
1941 Jan.17 00Cap00
1942 Jan.31 00Aqu00
1943 Jan.21 00Pis00
1943 May 10 00Ari00
1944 Apr.14 00Tau00
1944 Aug.28 00Gem00
1944 Oct.16 30Tau00
1945 Mar.30 00Gem00
1945 Aug.12 00Can00
1946 Jan.14 30Gem00
1946 Apr.03 00Can00
1946 Sep.22 00Leo00
1947 Jan.17 30Can00
1947 May 31 00Leo00
1948 Aug 23 00Vir00
1949 Dec.19 00Lib00
1950 Jan.28 30Vir00
1950 Aug.31 00Lib00
1951 Dec.15 00Sco00
1952 Apr.16 30Lib00
1952 Sep.05 00Sco00
1953 Nov.24 00Sag00
1955 Jan.08 00Cap00
1956 Jan.23 00Aqu00
1957 Jan.10 00Pis00
1957 Apr.29 00Ari00
1958 Apr.05 00Tau00
1958 Aug.08 00Gem00
1958 Nov.13 30Tau00
1959 Mar.18 00Gem00
1959 Aug.03 00Can00
1960 Feb.15 30Gem00
1960 Mar.06 00Can00
1960 Sep.10 00Leo00
1961 Jan.30 30Can00
1961 May 20 00Leo00
1962 Aug.15 00Vir00
1963 Dec.05 00Lib00
1964 Feb.16 30Vir00
1964 Aug.23 00Lib00
1965 Dec.05 00Sco00
1966 Apr.29 30Lib00
1966 Aug.28 00Sco00
1967 Nov.18 00Sag00
1969 Jan.04 00Cap00
1970 Jan.15 00Aqu00
1970 Dec.31 00Pis00
1971 Apr.20 00Ari00
1972 Mar.26 00Tau00
1972 Jul.23 00Gem00
1972 Dec.08 30Tau00
1973 Mar.01 00Gem00
1973 Jul.24 00Can00
1974 Sep.02 00Leo00
1975 Feb.16 30Can00
1975 May 07 00Leo00
1976 Aug.08 00Vir00
1977 Nov.22 00Lib00
1978 Mar.02 30Vir00
1978 Aug.18 00Lib00
1979 Nov.30 00Sco00
1980 May 10 30Lib00
1980 Aug.18 00Sco00
1981 Nov.11 00Sag00
1982 Dec.25 00Cap00
1984 Jan.03 00Aqu00
1984 May 20 00Pis00
1984 Jul.31 30Aqu00
1984 Dec.17 00Pis00
1985 Apr.10 00Ari00
1986 Mar.16 00Tau00
1986 Jul.13 00Gem00
1987 Jan.14 30Tau00
1987 Feb.01 00Gem00
1987 Jul.16 00Can00
1988 Aug.23 00Leo00
1989 Mar.12 30Can00
1989 Apr.16 00Leo00
1990 Jul.31 00Vir00
1991 Nov.16 00Lib00
1992 Mar.13 30Vir00
1992 Aug.09 00Lib00
1993 Nov.21 00Sco00
1994 May 27 30Lib00
1994 Aug 05 00Sco00
1995 Nov.03 00Sag00

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