Our Reconnection to the Stars

The next main planet or body in astrology may well be a star. This would reconnect us to the cosmos in a rather big way.

For over two millennia astrology has been relegated to the seven traditional planets including the Sun and Moon(which are considered planets in astrology). These seven are Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Earth(Ascendant), Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. The various stars were also noted but have almost been entirely neglected in the last century or so.

Why have we forgotten the stars? Is it because there are too many, or because they move too slowly to have any personal significance? Why was Sirius, for example, so important in ancient Egyptian sky lore, but hardly gets a hearing today. Has our modern superficial culture divorced us from the rich panorama of our cosmos?

Along with modern astronomy came the rediscoveries of the outermost planets -Uranus(1781), Neptune(1846), and Pluto(1930). Our planet system suddenly got bigger and so has our collective scope, awareness, and even longetivity. People live twice as long now as they did in ancient Roman or Medieval times, and will probably live much longer in the decades and centuries ahead.

The discoveries of the Kuiper Belt dwarfs in the late 20th and early 21st centuries, and objects further out is slowly but surely leading to our reconnection with our starry past and immortal potentials. Perhaps the next major discovery will be a brown dwarf or even the simple reinstatement of super stars like Sirius.

Sirius, the brightest star in the sky(apart from our Sun), is currently suspected by most astronomers to be the Sun of our Sun, and Sirius in turn(supposedly) orbits the Galactic center. There are probably other centers as well. There is a disturbing lack of information on the heiarchical structure of our cosmos which we may have lost since ancient times. This ignorance has "disconnected" us from the rest of the cosmos or universe.

Sirius has a very small but very dense companion(Sirius B), and is located in the constellation Canis Major which means "Big Dog". Astrologically it is located at 14 degrees of tropical Cancer(it moves one degree roughly every 70 years) and is associated with the goddess Isis which the Egyptians ascribed to the zodiac sign of Virgo.

According to Andulairah of Earth, in her video, Isis-the real story, the godess Isis came to Earth reluctantly in a space ship, after an Atlantean carastrophe some 36,000 years ago. She landed in Memphis, Egypt with a crew, and dealt directly(in human form) with the people. She slowly restored order and civilization on the planet and her fame became legendary. Taught by Hermes, she introduced humans to many crafts such as weaving, as well as agriculture, and hygeine. Some of her cohorts married with humans and their gifted offspring helped to build the pyramids. She lived to be over 600 years old before departing back to Sirius.

Sirius is important in the calculation of many calendar systems throughout history and across the world. The Queen's chamber in the Great Pyramid is aligned to the passage of Sirius overhead. Sirius is also associated with Hermes Trismegistus who is worshipped by the secret societies of this planet. Many great Teachers, Avatars, or "gods" are said to reside on/in or have come here from Sirius B which is Earth-like in size but much more dense.

Sirius is the guiding star of the United States whose natal Sun is astrologically conjunct to it. People whose Suns or other planets are closely conjunct to Sirius are believed to have great wisdom and power.

Why has this star been so neglected or downgraded, at least for the common masses? Does it require special initiation to reconnect to? Whatever the case, its reinstatement in astrology may well go a long way in reconnecting us to the stars

Is the star Sirius our link to the rest of the cosmos?

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